Case Study 6: Relevant Data Technologies and King & Spalding – E-Discovery in a High-Stakes

Client: King & Spalding, representing plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit
Industry: Legal
Services Provided: Document management, data processing, and review in Relativity
Summary: Manage and review millions of pages of documents for a securities class action lawsuit
Result: Efficient and effective document review, facilitating a robust legal strategy
Background: King & Spalding, a prominent law firm, was engaged in a high-stakes securities class
action lawsuit involving the proposed merger between Bob Evans and Post Holdings, Inc. The lawsuit
alleged violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, specifically concerning misleading
statements and omissions in proxy materials provided to Bob Evans’ shareholders. The case centered
on the adequacy of information provided to shareholders about the financial projections and merger
negotiations, crucial for their vote on the merger proposal.
Challenge: The legal team faced the daunting task of reviewing millions of pages of documents to
identify evidence supporting the plaintiffs’ claims. These documents included internal
communications, financial projections, board meeting minutes, and records of negotiations. The
volume of data and the need for a meticulous review under tight deadlines demanded an advanced EDiscovery solution that could streamline the process and ensure comprehensive analysis.
Engagement: Relevant Data Technologies (RDT) was enlisted to provide end-to-end E-Discovery
services tailored to the needs of King & Spalding. The primary goal was to manage, process, and review
a massive volume of documents efficiently, using Relativity, an industry-leading E-Discovery platform.
Findings: Solution Implementation

RDT implemented a series of strategic actions to address the challenge:

1. Data Processing: RDT utilized advanced data processing techniques to handle the large data
volumes, ensuring rapid ingestion and organization. Data was indexed to facilitate quick retrieval and
2. Document Review: Leveraging Relativity, RDT set up a structured review workflow. This included the
use of sophisticated search algorithms to flag relevant documents and automation features to reduce
manual review time.
3. Quality Control: High standards of quality control were maintained throughout the document review
process. RDT implemented multiple review stages to ensure that no critical information was missed.
4. Collaboration Tools: RDT facilitated seamless collaboration between various teams working on the
case, ensuring that insights and findings were shared efficiently across the board.

Outcome: The E-Discovery process managed by RDT proved instrumental in handling the complexities
of the case. The efficient review and categorization of documents allowed King & Spalding to quickly
access and utilize critical information, bolstering their legal strategy. Key findings from the document
review directly supported the plaintiffs’ claims regarding the misleading nature of the proxy statement
and the inadequacy of the financial projections provided to shareholders.The comprehensive document
management and review process led by RDT enabled King & Spalding to effectively argue the case,
leading to a favorable resolution for the plaintiffs. The ability to rapidly process and review such a large
volume of documents ensured that the legal team was well-prepared for court proceedings and any
settlement discussions.
Conclusion: This case study demonstrates the critical role of E-Discovery services in managing largescale securities litigation. Relevant Data Technologies’ expertise in document management and data
processing in Relativity provided King & Spalding with the tools necessary to navigate a complex legal
landscape, highlighting the importance of technology in modern legal practices. The successful
management of E-Discovery processes not only streamlined the review but also significantly impacted
the outcome of the case, underscoring the value of choosing the right technology partner in litigation