Case Study 2: Relevant Data Technologies and Mobile Forensics in a Traffic Accident Fraud Claim

Client: A Major Insurance Company
Industry: Insurance
Services Provided: Mobile Forensic Analysis
Summary: Disprove false testimony regarding mobile phone usage in an accident involving an
improperly parked tractor-trailer
Result: Very Favorable Outcome for the Client
Background: A major insurance company faced a challenging claim when a claimant filed a lawsuit
after colliding with a tractor-trailer insured by the company. The trailer was parked alongside the road at
a construction site during the early morning hours. The claimant alleged that the tractor-trailer was
improperly parked, leading to the accident.
Challenge: During depositions, the claimant testified that she was not using her mobile phone in any
capacity—neither making calls nor sending text messages—immediately before or during the accident.
This testimony was crucial, as it aimed to shift the blame entirely onto the positioning of the tractortrailer.
Engagement: Relevant Data Technologies (RDT) was engaged by the insurance company to verify the
accuracy of the claimant’s testimony regarding her phone usage at the time of the accident. Given that
the incident occurred a year and a half prior and the claimant had since changed phone carriers, this
required specialized forensic capabilities.
Findings: RDT successfully obtained permission to forensically image the claimant’s mobile phone.
Despite the challenges associated with the elapsed time and the change in phone carriers, RDT’s expert
analysts were able to recover a comprehensive text message history from the date and time of the
The recovered data revealed that contrary to her deposition testimony, the claimant was actively texting
both her mother and a friend right before and leading up to the moment of the accident. This evidence
directly contradicted her claims of non-use and indicated that her distraction contributed to the
Outcome: The forensic evidence uncovered by Relevant Data Technologies proved crucial in
challenging the veracity of the claimant’s testimony. The revelation of her phone usage not only
discredited her statement but also shifted the focus back to her actions as contributing to the cause of
the accident.
Armed with the irrefutable evidence of the claimant’s mobile phone usage, the insurance company was
able to demonstrate that the claimant had provided false testimony. This led to a very favorable
outcome for the client, significantly mitigating potential liabilities associated with the claim.

Conclusion: This case study exemplifies the critical importance of mobile forensic technology in
modern legal disputes involving allegations of negligence and improper conduct. Relevant Data
Technologies’ ability to retrieve data even after significant time had passed and under complex
circumstances played a decisive role in defending their client. The case underscores the need for
precise forensic investigation in the face of disputed facts and highlights the technological expertise
that RDT brings to such challenging scenarios